Monday, May 21, 2012

Making Contact

May 2012 was a very uncertain and somewhat stressful time for me.  Having completed my coursework for my Master’s Degree, I was desperately searching for a job.  To make matters even worse, the transmission in my car died and I was without transportation.  Boys were the furthest thing from my mind, especially considering it had been a very long time since there was someone that I was excited to see at church or any other of my social outlets.

Enter Tyler Langford.  My favorite part of church is the partaking of the sacrament.  Not only is it a quiet time for personal reflection, concentration on the Savior’s Atonement, and other deep and meaningful facets of life and the gospel, but it is also the best time of church to check out any new guys in the ward.  Ok, I am admittedly kidding, but … the first time I noticed Tyler was while he was passing the sacrament.  Having been in the ward for just under 2 years, I was able to quickly single him out as a new member.  I also happened to notice that he was very cute and an active, worthy Priesthood holder, which my experiences in the ward has taught me meant that he would be a highly sought after prize for the other women in the ward.  Over the next several weeks, I kept an eye out for him at FHE, Institute, other ward functions and non-ward sponsored social events, but I only ever saw him during sacrament meeting and occasionally when we would attend the same Sunday School class.  At this point, interactions were usually limited to a nod and a smile.  After checking all the usual sources (fellow ward members, facebook,, etc.) I was able to learn only the most basic information:  His name was Tyler and his roommate was Thomas.    

By mid-June I got my big breakthrough.  I attended a special FHE where several groups go to the home of a bishopric member.  I was elated when I walked in the door and saw Tyler sitting in the front room.  I chose a seat that wasn’t right next to him, but close enough that I would be noticed.  After an opening prayer and song, he was introduced by his roommate and our FHE group leader, Thomas with, “and Taylor has our lesson.“  TAYLOR!!!! Duh???!!!  No wonder I had so much trouble finding out any additional information.  Taylor gave a wonderful lesson, and the group then proceeded to have an activity and a treat.  I remember making such a concerted effort to seem cool, something that doesn’t come very naturally for me ;)  We did have a very short conversation, wherein I learned that he worked at an Ink Refill store at the University Mall.  I didn’t want to seem over eager in spending too much time with Taylor, so I was sure to make my usual rounds with the other attendees. 

I tried not to seem too obvious as I watched him leave and I got in my car to go.  Overall, the evening was victorious.  I had a name (a real name) and he had mine. 

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